Understanding what faces us and why an undeniable desire to revert back to a time when things were different may have a root or at the least a footing in "Mythology." Do we understand what is our choice or what is offered to us with the stipulation "Do Not Question" be it verbal or implied?
Things are to take place that shall make even the staunchest and steadfast think of what led to this existence on Earth.
Time does not go backwards "we can not go back" life evolves and there is no denying it other than saying evolution is not in the scriptures. All I have to say about this is "Duh" 2000 to 4000 years past they did not know the Earth was round and the population of the world was negligible.
We now have Deniers front and center ready to take office on January 20th. Small minded men who care more about ideology than for mankind.
The problem is men and the solution is Women and as I see it this world will not heal itself until "small minded men" are put in the minority or house janitorial positions where they can emote "Capitol Trash" and not create it and this is the case throughout the planet!