I am one of seven

I am one of seven
# 2 from the left

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Twist in this Novella is Amsterdam

I have purchased a ticket and am off to Amsterdam. There is business that needs to be taken care of there however there may be more than just business. Years of speculation has convinced me my collective caretakers are associated with the Van Gogh Museum. This will be proven correct in any case shortly. There is no fear here as having done it before and expecting to be here many times in the future. I'll be back to start a new chapter in my life.   Update......... I have returned and while in Amsterdam everything happened that was supposed to. This conclusion only came to me fully when waiting for my flight to take me back to the States. Now as I am back in Quincy, MA it shouldn't be long before things begin to change for me there are to be more flights to other places and I know for sure one is Colorado.