I am one of seven

I am one of seven
# 2 from the left

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Humanity and Being Humane

Have you ever wondered how did we get here and why does this happen? It has been in the back of my mind for some time now wishing to share my thoughts and questions pertaining to the future.
Human beings are a biological species in a world of biology. Every bodily function muscular to cerebral and maladies thereof. We are comfortably situated on this particular rock we call a planet and as I see it this is to be the only one we know.   (Then why do we destroy it?)
It is human nature that people feel compelled to belong to groups, like minded people find others who think like them. Normal people have a conscience and do not stand for deceit, cowardice and avarice as this is life. As humans we are confused not confident of what actions to take, we know we are not perfect and mistakes are common. "We understand too well that no one is so wise and great he can not make a mistake or any organization so noble to be the face of corruption."*
Our present mindsets differ, Much is owed to our early history and ancestors who sought explanations to who they were and the meaning of their life. Our minds are incredible tools they can be extremely creative an with their present knowledge of the universe. All be it limited they did just that, everything important to them they gave an explanation. Thus creation and the questions behind it. How did it happen?.
This one myth and every version of it even to the 20th century Nazi movement and recent religions all claim superiority of their group. If our God is not greatest how can we be a chosen one.
To question this is to question our identity and those who have differing thoughts be they absurd or science based are disliked. This mindset encourages insular thinking. "We are a weak animal we need something to hold on to" as was explained to me as a teenager. That was the past. There are now problems that need to be addressed. This is the real world, how can we afford to keep traveling this way when the consequences are clearly evident!
It is my belief, all religions are on equal footing no superiority can be claimed. There is one God, a multitude of profits all for their time and knowledge. All religion is culturally oriented. We will never know exactly what God thinks us or if we are really made in his image. The conflict between science and organized religion must come to an end. It should be a win win equation. We need to acknowledge existence for what it is and be virtuous beings.
Today humanity is in control however out of control. We need to understand the past is the past and today all that is knowledge does not equate to the past. If we are to proceed we must establish a morality that is unencumbered and universal. Everything has consequence, we have the brain to survive then why go against natural selection and do ourselves in? We are to learn from the past not hold on to it. If it takes relearning/reeducation then let it happen for a humane world. "Do not believe anything I say or anyone else says unless it makes sense to you" he also said, "Examine everything from all sides before you put it aside, only then will you know it." 

* Edward O. Sullivan  The Social Conquest of Earth
    It was a pleasure to see that others have written is similar to what I think to be the case.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Intention and the "Power of It"

I have long since thought that the book "The Power of Intention"by Wayne Dyre has great significance to my personal situation and I stand by this. I understand that the author received many complaints about this book as it touched or trespassed on an established belief system.
It should be stated that everything I have entered in this blog has or is applicable to me.Understanding my future is in New York City and schooling and money will be waiting for me being was told this as a teenager. There is every reason to believe it true today.
The essence of my intention is to be a "Good Man" an ideal person who is there for others, to learn and experience the arts from those who are mastering it and those who have. While in New York my focus will be art and not to compete with commercial photographers but to work with them. My personal gift will be Incorporated into my work as it is part of my being. A gift such as mine that only comes around every so often and would be remiss if  not shared. I have for seen many things and await them to come to fruition. Life in the "Big Apple" will be exciting and fruitful for all especially the ones who are to be our future. Political views are inescapable pertaining to how I hope this nation would proceed.  This does not include a "Bain Capitalistic America." as man kinds existence on this planet is in jeopardy due to that mindset.