Research and life experiences such as childhood temporal lobe epilepsy of the lower left temporal lobe have brought some interesting conclusions. I E Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Church of the Later Day Saints was most likely a child hood epileptic himself as were most if not all prophets. I am well acquainted with the White Horse Prophecy however Joseph Smith did not know the simple fact that when these prophecies are visualized it is best not to include what you personally want or the outcome there in.
The Prophecy will come true to extents however it is not likely to be a follower of the LDS church nor is it going to take us back to a time when the founding fathers wrote the constitution applicable to that time and era specifically. Life is changing, our world is threatened by greed and this is why I say change is coming. The string the constitution is hanging by if this be the case could easily be strengthened by amending it to fit our time and collective personal needs. * It should be noted that it is entirely possible Joseph Smith never prophesied that the White Horse Prophecy would be about a member of the Later Day Saints and it is the present heads of the church who wish this.