I am one of seven

I am one of seven
# 2 from the left

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Humanity and Being Humane

Have you ever wondered how did we get here and why does this happen? It has been in the back of my mind for some time now wishing to share my thoughts and questions pertaining to the future.
Human beings are a biological species in a world of biology. Every bodily function muscular to cerebral and maladies thereof. We are comfortably situated on this particular rock we call a planet and as I see it this is to be the only one we know.   (Then why do we destroy it?)
It is human nature that people feel compelled to belong to groups, like minded people find others who think like them. Normal people have a conscience and do not stand for deceit, cowardice and avarice as this is life. As humans we are confused not confident of what actions to take, we know we are not perfect and mistakes are common. "We understand too well that no one is so wise and great he can not make a mistake or any organization so noble to be the face of corruption."*
Our present mindsets differ, Much is owed to our early history and ancestors who sought explanations to who they were and the meaning of their life. Our minds are incredible tools they can be extremely creative an with their present knowledge of the universe. All be it limited they did just that, everything important to them they gave an explanation. Thus creation and the questions behind it. How did it happen?.
This one myth and every version of it even to the 20th century Nazi movement and recent religions all claim superiority of their group. If our God is not greatest how can we be a chosen one.
To question this is to question our identity and those who have differing thoughts be they absurd or science based are disliked. This mindset encourages insular thinking. "We are a weak animal we need something to hold on to" as was explained to me as a teenager. That was the past. There are now problems that need to be addressed. This is the real world, how can we afford to keep traveling this way when the consequences are clearly evident!
It is my belief, all religions are on equal footing no superiority can be claimed. There is one God, a multitude of profits all for their time and knowledge. All religion is culturally oriented. We will never know exactly what God thinks us or if we are really made in his image. The conflict between science and organized religion must come to an end. It should be a win win equation. We need to acknowledge existence for what it is and be virtuous beings.
Today humanity is in control however out of control. We need to understand the past is the past and today all that is knowledge does not equate to the past. If we are to proceed we must establish a morality that is unencumbered and universal. Everything has consequence, we have the brain to survive then why go against natural selection and do ourselves in? We are to learn from the past not hold on to it. If it takes relearning/reeducation then let it happen for a humane world. "Do not believe anything I say or anyone else says unless it makes sense to you" he also said, "Examine everything from all sides before you put it aside, only then will you know it." 

* Edward O. Sullivan  The Social Conquest of Earth
    It was a pleasure to see that others have written is similar to what I think to be the case.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Intention and the "Power of It"

I have long since thought that the book "The Power of Intention"by Wayne Dyre has great significance to my personal situation and I stand by this. I understand that the author received many complaints about this book as it touched or trespassed on an established belief system.
It should be stated that everything I have entered in this blog has or is applicable to me.Understanding my future is in New York City and schooling and money will be waiting for me being was told this as a teenager. There is every reason to believe it true today.
The essence of my intention is to be a "Good Man" an ideal person who is there for others, to learn and experience the arts from those who are mastering it and those who have. While in New York my focus will be art and not to compete with commercial photographers but to work with them. My personal gift will be Incorporated into my work as it is part of my being. A gift such as mine that only comes around every so often and would be remiss if  not shared. I have for seen many things and await them to come to fruition. Life in the "Big Apple" will be exciting and fruitful for all especially the ones who are to be our future. Political views are inescapable pertaining to how I hope this nation would proceed.  This does not include a "Bain Capitalistic America." as man kinds existence on this planet is in jeopardy due to that mindset.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The White Horse Prophecy

Research  and life experiences such as childhood  temporal lobe epilepsy of the lower left temporal lobe have brought some interesting conclusions. I E Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Church of the Later Day Saints was most likely a child hood epileptic himself as were most if not all prophets. I am well acquainted with the White Horse Prophecy however Joseph Smith did not know the simple fact that when these prophecies are visualized it is best not to include what you personally want or the outcome there in.
The Prophecy will come true to extents however it is not likely to be a follower of the LDS church nor is it going to take us back to a time when the founding fathers wrote the constitution applicable to that  time and era specifically. Life is changing, our world is threatened by greed and this is why I say change is coming. The string the constitution is hanging by if this be the case could easily be strengthened by amending it to fit our time and collective personal needs.  * It should be noted that it is entirely possible Joseph Smith never prophesied that  the White Horse Prophecy would be about a member of the Later Day Saints and it is the   present heads of the church who wish this.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Conundrum of Ancient Texts

The climate of  recent has been soured with events most of which could have been avoided. The Colorado calamity makes one think legislation should be enacted however the NRA and an Election Year will make this impossible. With the Banking fiasco that is at the root of our problems today just as it has been before time after time (even in Vincent van Gogh's Enlightening and so much alike it is scary) but with the crew in the cabinet positions on Capitol Hill any steps to reign in the Banks will be thwarted.
 My personal feelings on this is we have to rethink the worship of ancient texts be they 300, 2400, to 4000 years. Man writes what is pertinent to his present situation and when time passes things change and if thinking does not as well, loopholes open and bad things happen. It is time for a change of conciseness and this is why I put my faith in a Democratic President. It will not happen under a Republican of any sort as small minds worship old texts and money.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Agnes Fowler

Agnes Fowler who was prominent in researching my situation for her cousin George Anderson Fowler MD as I see things has left me a property in New York City. This Brownstone may be one of 4 that her Father Anderson Fowler built in the late 19th century. The Buildings Anderson Fowler built his daughters were and may still be on Park Avenue. As a very young child I saw Agnese's residence and latter attending a Rehearsal Dinner in the Brown Stone. My memory does not place me on Park Avenue on any of those events so that Brown Stone is located elsewhere. The Present inhabitant is a relative of mine most likely an Anderson Fowler and a 4th cousin.

Friday, June 15, 2012

New Book on Van Gogh

The latest book to hit the market on Vincent Van Gogh is the epic Biography "Van Gogh" by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith. The two are Harvard Law school graduates and I am shure there is a joke some where here but they are accomplished at what they have done. The book is an in depth look into the life of Vincent elaborating on his manias and things that may have brought them into being. At the ending of the book they have an Appendix "A note on the Fatal Wounding" and I give them credit and here is where the Law schooling may have helped taking Vincent's death from the understood truth of the suicide to a "cold case situation" closer to a myth.
The Authors have given credit to Fieke Pabst of the Van Gogh Library for her insistent editing of events. I have had the pleasure myself, though the intent was to contact Mieke Brunner who is her co- worker.
The Book Van Gogh is long read and unquestionable insight however one thing still remains; there are 10 or so years of his life that are unaccounted for completely. I have seen snippets of events and Vincent's Psychic abilities. I know where the book Vincent wrote " The Enlightening" fits in to the latest biography and leaves it wanting.
We now know more of Vincent but we will not know the entire story until we acknowledge what is going on today. Yes I have had childhood epilepsy of the lower left temporal lobe as did Vincent. For the most part we both outgrew it and as was hinted he was not experiencing epilepsy in his later years it was an inability to control Psychic events or understand them.
I know history is repeating itself and it will be proven so! A production I shall champion will document it and shed a new light on Vincent.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Creative Women are my Pillars

I am not sure what the norm is for everyone when it comes to emotions but I can say we all have them. I have learned for myself and there are others like me that my emotions are part of my creativity and that process. One example, Alexander Graham Bell had childhood epilepsy of the lower temporal lobe and was extremely creative in his adulthood. I can deduce from his history he was psychic as well in many ways. Mankind's history is full of them and as I see it the male psychics are noteworthy and the female psychics are not given  the respect they are due. Personally I feel they are more talented as emotions are accepted as part of life. It was my uncle who discussed this subject with me at an early age and said "take the Bible for instance there I think there are a number of psychics." This continued, I ask myself, where are the talented females? Now the Doctors office and the famous people who had temporal lobe epilepsy. No women given much notation there either. My grandmother was one and it is from her that I received my gift. I only wish I had understood what was going on with her as I do now. I suggest you read the Creative Mind/Psychic Mind post below.  I personally will advocate for more women who poses the creative mind to enter the political scene to steer us back to a course worth of all.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Angelina G Bresnahan

A beloved individual playing a roll in repeating history has passed. Angie as she was known in the 19th Century Vanity publication by Vincent van Gogh and was known by that name by me.Angie Bresnahan had the identical characteristics and behavior isms of the Angie of Van Gogh's time. In The book Van Gogh mentioned "There were many people like him." Angie was a gifted individual and could have been a talented psychic but as she said and I quote her " Tony, so many things came to be it frightened me, I don't want to see these things." Never the less we talked about many things dealing with it. She agreed with me that it seems to run in the family.
Rest in Peace Angie you were a better friend than a foe.   see her photo and 12 Park Ave. below in older Posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

Cheney heartlessy mocked: so say REPUBS

I confess to having a chuckle , OK a hearty laugh at the jabs Dick Cheney has been taking from the Bleeding Heart Liberals the conservatives deplore. Now, If I did not know how bad this creep actually is I would tell them to cool it. But I am Not! I do think it is in the Republicans best interest to  confront this heathen before he destroys whats left to the Republican Party. Dick Cheney's morals will destroy his party. I was a voting member of this mindset until the behavior became inexcusable. I am going out on a limb and stating Dick Cheney's actions will do exactly as I say unless steps are taken. Do you hear me? You are going to wish you had.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence...and Machiavelli and Dick Cheney

This doctrine asserts that every actual state of affairs must come into being again on infinitely many other occasions. It is my assertion that this is what is going today. I have seen the historical record of previous individuals that became artists and had abilities out of the norm (psychic) due to a specific temporal lobe epilepsy. Everything that has happened in the United States as of recent is duplicating what has happened in the Netherlands of the 19th Century. Now the Machiavellian like exploits Dick Cheney and let it be known I think these two to be ideological twins even  to the extent of wondering if Machiavelli himself had an ill gotten collection of artwork.
It is all too probable as this manifest of unbridled Republican Capitalism has expressed itself before. Maybe this time we shall recognise the hedonistic tendencies in over paid Corporate Executive Officers and the spinoff of this folly.

Friday, February 24, 2012

CBS Evening News

A CBS news crew paid a visit to Father Bills just under two weeks ago with the intent of doing a story on the homeless situation in Quincy MA. Everything well and good came of it. I did get a cameo shot in the segment. However I did not recognize myself,others did so and pointed it out. Now, I knew from the moment I was told this was to be  similar events took place in the Netherlands. The transition to NYC is coming up so very soon I can taste it!  It had also come to my attention that the crown prince of the Netherlands was caught in an avalanche while skiing on CBS news. I would offer my help without thinking twice. It was the" Royal's" distant cousin Vincent van Gogh who had the same ability to heal. Today we only know him for his art, I wonder why this is the case? (actually I have a good idea) ask the Van Gogh Society why Vincent's life story been edited. Soon enough we will have a better understanding of him............ I do want to impart some words of wisdom by Ernest Becker..... Character Armour.. This makes people remarkably stiff as though they actually were wearing armour. it makes them unsympathetic to points of view they have decided are not worth entertaining or too threatening to entertain. It shuts them off tightly from others who risk invading their world and upsetting it even if they upset it with kindness and love. Love draws one out and breaks down barriers, it places human relationships on mutual terms. In a word Love takes relationships out of control of the armoured person. It takes strength to live simply because it takes strength to stand exposed without armour open to the needs of others. this excerpt was from the book "The Meditative Mind" authored by Daniel Goleman. The chapter touched on the Arahat or Arahant  an awakened being often likened to a saint. This can be applied universally. I request you think about this.........

Saturday, January 28, 2012

"The Enlightening"

This obscure book a vanity publication most likely was written by Vincent van Gogh. This took me time to figure out as bits and pieces of memory had to be retrieved.  This time around it will not be a book I shall make a movie of it and as Vincent saw graphics in his eye when situations happened that needed to be recorded.( these graphic shapes were at every chapter heading.)  I see colored film segments that had shifting colors in the images. This is a shared benefit of the creative brain resulting from childhood epilepsy and only a fraction of what is there because of the malady. As of present the time seems to be correct and the missing art work stolen from museuns and private collections can be returned after the individual is confronted by his former boss. gardnermuseum.org

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Purpose of this Blog

I publish this blog with the express purpose of enlightening people. This is undeniably out of the norm but it is just this event that has happened before to famous artists and to those who have since faded from the immediate lime lite. These artists had been blessed with psychic abilities.  We know of them as artists however their minds were exceptional tools.   I shall leave this research to others as my thoughts should be and remain impartial or they will be viewed as hostile or delusional.  I can only state that I know of things to come and what I write needs to be proven correct.              I am here to help!